S’Atra Sardigna was born in 1982. From the very beginning, we’ve been dealing with sustainable production activities, using organic agriculture in a historical period in which conventional agriculture was dominating and the organic one represented an unexplored niche sector.
At its birth, S’Atra Sardigna was made of 13 young, unemployed partners, coming from the city. Some of them with a University degree, almost all of them with a High School diploma, everybody available to farm work – otherwise, how could you define shovelling manure, watering earthworms’ litters, producing organic fertilizer and selling it? The initial purpose was that of working the land to obtain healthy products, not using synthetic chemicals, following their fathers’ teaching, developed when agriculture would respect the environment, mankind and animals.
In the same year, the preliminary contract to purchase a social plot of land in Sestu, in the area called Magangiosa, was signed – you can still find there the company headquarters. Although small, that plot of land acted as glue for the partners, who, day by day, experienced difficulties in working, in doing business, in doing sums, in being together, always with new emergencies to cope with.
In 1985, the Cooperative attended a course on organic farming, visited some Sicilian companies which worked with integrated and organic pest management, organized meetings and conferences with Claude Aubert, Ivo Totti, Vincenzo Vacante, Giorgio Celli. In the same year in Autumn one of the biggest dream people who work the land can make, was fulfilled: to sell directly what they produced. The first small shop was opened to the public in via Giardini in Cagliari. There you could buy products previously ordered by phone, while twice a week a delivery service was available. In 1987 the very first store of organic products, called ‘Il Germoglio’ (‘The Bud’) was born.
The Cooperative realized the importance of cooperating with other production realities, either agricultural or not, sharing with S’Atra Sardigna their commitment in environmentally sustainable activities. This is the reason why in 1992 the Cooperative promoted the creation of Consorzio Ecosviluppo Sardegna, which, some years later, would develop several interesting activities about the communitarian programme Leader II.